






A common focal point of EDA programs, as they exist today, is to link the various steps involved in smoothly getting from RTL to GDS.


GDS stands for graphic database system, and GDSII is the paramount database standard describing IC layout artwork. It is used to contain all the information describing the IC’s layout artwork and can be used for sharing between different tools and for building photomasks.

有多个年代teps along this road, and the key to producing great designs quickly is to integrate the individual steps for flawless hand-off. It is important to note that the various manufacturers handle this critical function in different manners. And, if an issue later in the design cycle calls for a change in an earlier phase, that, too, must be easily applied.



概念’ Digital Toolset is used for silicon chip design, verification, IP integration, and application security testing. Unlike previous generations of EDA, its Fusion Technology eliminates the former hard boundaries between synthesis, place-and-route and signoff, sharing integrated engines across the platform.


The Fusion design platform employs machine learning to enable better and faster results by speeding up computation-intensive analyses, predicting outcomes to improve decision-making, and leveraging past learning.

The cloud-based solution is available on Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and the Synopsys Cloud Solution.


IC Compiler IIis Synopsys’ RTL-to-GDSII tool for place and route, across all types of ICs and process technologies. It spans 16/14nm, 12/10nm, 7/5nm, and sub-5nm geometries.


A design data mismatch inferencing engine analyzes the quality of inputs to deliver design insights even with “incomplete” data early in the design cycle.

Of great importance to designers, Synopsys collaborates closely with all the leading foundries to ensure that IC Compiler II can deliver support for both early prototype design rules and for the final production design rules.

Cadence: Virtuoso and Spectre

Cadence’s IC design tools include Virtuoso and Spectre. Like most of Cadence’s software tools, they are Linux-based and are run on servers. The tightly integrated tools are targeted largely, but not exclusively, at RFICs and RF modules.


  • 电路的示意图
  • Layout of circuit
  • Design rule check
  • Layout vs. schematic


  • DC,AC和瞬态分析
  • 线性电路的S参数分析
  • RF analysis for non-linear circuits, including PSS (periodic steady state) and QPSS (quasi-PSS)

Virtuosodesign flow. Image fromCadence

The Virtuoso Layout Suite GXL

TheVirtuosoLayout Suite GXLconsists of automatic layout engines for routing, layout optimization, module generation, and analog/mixed-signal floorplanning. This tool allows an engineer to create various designs (digital, analog, or mixed-signal) and implement them from chip level to device level.

VirtuosoADE Product Suite

TheVirtuosoADE Product Suiteis tightly linked to the Spectre Circuit Simulator as well as to the Virtuoso Suite. This tool is designed for the early stages of the circuit design cycle. Once a circuit block is up and running, it is tested, including its interactions with other blocks in the design.

该套件包括用于设计验证的Virtuoso Ade验证器。此处的目的是确保所有项目设计师合并的所有块以满足所有设计规格。这一至关重要的步骤的旧手动方法是后期问题的重要来源,这些问题会对上市时间产生负面影响。

Spectre Circuit Simulator

The CadenceSpectre Circuit Simulator为模拟,RF和混合信号电路提供香料级模拟。它与Virtuoso自定义设计平台紧密整合在一起,可详细分析到晶体管级别。


SiP Layout

Thesip(包装系统)布局tool provides a constraint-driven and rules-driven substrate layout environment. This includes full 3D design visualization, verification, and editing capabilities.

导师Graphics – Tanner EDA

TheTanner Edaprogram automates the design, layout, and verification of analog/mixed-signal ICs, as well as MEMS. Note that digital IC design is covered by other Mentor tools, such as坦纳数字实施者for the physical design process.




  • 示意图捕获
  • 模拟模拟
  • Layout
  • Physical verification


坦纳S-Edit捕获示意图is tightly integrated with simulation. This makes it easy to see results directly on the schematic. Designers can observe the small signal parameter of devices and view model parameters. Waveform cross-probing can be performed to view node voltages and device terminal currents or charges.

Extensive library support serves to maximize the reuse of IP developed in previous projects, or imported from third-party vendors.


For analog simulation,制革商T-Spice模拟呈现通过直流/交流分析,瞬态分析,参数扫描等表征的电路行为。


Also for analog simulation, the Tanner Waveform Viewer is dynamically linked to Tanner T-Spice simulation and Tanner S-Edit schematic capture.导师notes that该工具可以处理较大的文件(“ 10GB+”)。它会自动计算并显示FFT结果。

坦纳l-edit ic布局

The Tanner L-Edit IC Layout is schematic-driven, imports netlists and automatically generates parameterized cells. DRC (design rule check) displays violations immediately, saving time.

Tanner Calibre One

坦纳(Tanner Caliber One)用于物理验证,并确保布局实际上相当于原理图。检查了与布局有关的效果,以确保它们不会损害设计的性能。该工具可确保最终的生产性。

There are many companies offering EDA tools. We can’t cover them all in this small report, but here is just one more:

Analog Integrated Circuit Design Automation(AIDA) automates the design of analog and mixed-signal ICs. It focuses on efficiently automating repetitive design tasks. It does so partially by facilitating design reuse and by fast response to specification changes of analog cells.

The process of designing an IC is a vast undertaking. The design teams simultaneously working on the project can be located all over the world. The design can incorporate company IP and foundry IP as well as newly developed designs.

Problems can pop up late in the design phase, and for that reason, the most common factor in all IC design software is the tight linking together of all the components. That way, if a problem shows itself in the last stages of verification, it will be easy to change a schematic and to follow all the changes that then occur, and if necessary, compensate for them