

This tool calculates a capacitor's reactance for a given capacitance value and signal frequency.





Our capacitive reactance calculator helps you determine the impedance of a capacitor if its capacitance value (C) and the frequency of the signal passing through it (f) are given. You can input the capacitance in farads, microfarads, nanofarads, or picofarads. For the frequency, the unit options are Hz, kHz, MHz, and GHz.


$$X_{C} = \frac{1}{\omega C} = \frac{1}{2 \pi fC}$$


$$ x_ {c} $$ =欧姆(ω)中的电容器电抗

$$ \ omega $$ = rad/s的角频率= $$ 2 \ pi f $$,其中$$ f $$是hz中的频率

$$ c $$ =法拉德的电容

Reactance (X) conveys a component's resistance to alternating current. Impedance (Z) conveys a component's resistance to both direct current and alternating current; it is expressed as a complex number, i.e., Z = R + jX. The impedance of an ideal resistor is equal to its resistance; in this case, the real part of the impedance is the resistance, and the imaginary part is zero. The impedance of an ideal capacitor is equal in magnitude to its reactance, but these two quantities are not identical. Reactance is expressed as an ordinary number with the unit ohms, whereas the impedance of a capacitor is the reactance multiplied by -j, i.e., Z = -jX. The -j term accounts for the 90-degree phase shift between voltage and current that occurs in a purely capacitive circuit.

以上方程使您可以电容器的电抗。要将其转换为电容器的阻抗,只需使用公式Z = -JX即可。电抗是一个更直接的价值。它告诉您电容器在一定频率下的电阻。但是,需要阻抗进行全面的交流电路分析。

As you can see from the above equation, a capacitor's reactance is inversely proportional to both frequency and capacitance: higher frequency and higher capacitance both lead to lower reactance. The inverse relationship between reactance and frequency explains why we use capacitors to block low-frequency components of a signal while allowing high-frequency components to pass.

Further Reading

教科书 - 交流电容器电路

教科书- Series Resistor-Capacitor Circuits

Worksheet - Capacitive Reactance

Clean Power for Every IC: Understanding Bypass Capacitors

  • W
    WA7PRC September 02, 2016

    Since it calculates only Xc (which is NOT impedance), this is not a very useful tool. Who DOESN’T recall the formula for Xc?

    Frequency can be entered in ONLY Hertz, making this tool not very user-friendly above audio frequencies. Those of us working into the GHz region would have to enter LOTS of zeros.

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    • R
      罗伯特 April 04, 2018
      Impedance is the total resistance in ohms of any network at a specific frequency including both the real and imaginary of angular parts. Capacitors have a resistance that is totally imaginary with a vector of 90 degrees. The current lags the voltage by 90 degrees. An inductor is negative 90 degrees. Impedence includes all the resistances in a network along with the total phase shift introduced by all the components
      像。 Reply
  • 这里的许多“计算器”只是简单的公式求解器。那不是很灵活。应该使用的是方程求解器,其中所有已知的变量值均为输入,求解器提供未知值。我简单的HP计算器做到了。而且,就像WA7PRC所说的那样,输入单元不方便地受到限制。使用计算机可以做什么。x <> y,理查德

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